Tuesday, January 15, 2008

TATA NANO - The Car that might change the world

Finally the Dream comes True ! TATA launches the 1 Lakh car...TATA Nano.

Tata Nano the 1 lakh car has finally been released by Tata Motors. Ratan Tata unvieled the People’s car at the 9th Auto Expo in New Delhi, India. I think no other cars recieved as much attention recent times.Commerce Minister Kamal Nath said it will help the common man shift from two-wheelers to four-wheelers. "It fulfills the need of the common Indian who aspires to move from a two-wheeler to a four-wheeler," he added.

Environmental impact

In India, a car like this can crowd the streets, forcing the government to improve infrastructure - and as the evolution of the Western industrial society demonstrates, affordable cars can be a major force for change.But till that happens, this is a car that can seriously crowd the streets - and make life a bit tougher in the short-term.


Passes crash tests. Side impact test yet to be done, but Tata is confident about it. It has 2 A-pillars on one side to better meet safety norms. No airbags. Airbags are still not a required feature in India. But you have crumple zones, intrusion-resistant doors, seatbelts and anchorages. A four wheeler is safe than a scooter. So to begin with, the huge two wheeler population of India gains a safety benefit. But will it pass the safety requirements of a large car or even a high technology compact? Unlikely. But that is not the objective - it is to improve the safety of four-member families like this one that rides scooters and at risk every day.

If this Car becomes a hit, will make every auto company change the way it works...Not only in India, but in entire Asia and every third world country...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Give more details about its engine