Sunday, January 27, 2008


There is no doubt that the mono-volume design of the Nano is a sure winner over the boxy Maruti 800, which has not been helped by a series of facelifts over the last 2 decades.

Size does matter

The Nano is 3100 mm in length, 8 per cent shorter than the Maruti 800, but the breadth and height of the car tell a different story. The Nano at 1500 mm is 4 per cent wider than the 800 and, at 1600 mm, is 14 per cent taller.

The Tatas also claim the car is 21per cent bigger than an 800 when it comes to inside space.

Who has the power?

The Maruti runs on a 3-cylinder 796 cc engine, bigger and possibly smoother than the 623 cc 2- cylinder heart of the Nano.

The 800 churns out 37 BHP, while the Nano tops at 33 BHP, at 11per cent less power.

Although the Tatas were tightlipped about speeds, the Nano’s top speed is likely to be lower than the Maruti 800’s, which can hit 120 kph, when pushed.

Fuel efficiency

The Tatas say that the Nano will give 20 km/l which is about as much as the Maruti 800 delivers when driven well.

The real test for the Nano would be to match the survivability of the Maruti 800 on Indian roads, but the Tatas will cross that bridge when they launch the car later this year.